I'm asking you to trust me when I say that I have something fun for you to win on my first blog giveaway (it's not my first anniversary for blogging or even that I've made it to 100 posts - Spring is here and I feel like it's time to celebrate). I'm busy making something just for you, so if you can wait a little bit longer...
I will try to get photos of the other prize up over the weekend.
To win a handmade special something from me, you need to leave me a comment on this post. Tell me what you love about this time of year and you will be entered in to win.
**Now I have a bonus for you...this sweet little bluebird appliqued on a green linen pouch is my gift to the person that refers the most people to my blog during my giveaway. The commenter must let me know who directed them here when they leave their comment.**
You have one week from today in order to be entered into my giveaway draw and to compete* for the bonus prize. Please leave your comments here by Friday Mar. 14th at noon PST. I will ship anywhere in the world, so please leave your comments for a chance to win. *Remember, if you refer the most people to my giveaway you will win the bluebird zippered pouch (and I may just tuck something extra inside it for you...)
Hope this puts an extra spring in your step today! ;o)
To win a handmade special something from me, you need to leave me a comment on this post. Tell me what you love about this time of year and you will be entered in to win.
**Now I have a bonus for you...this sweet little bluebird appliqued on a green linen pouch is my gift to the person that refers the most people to my blog during my giveaway. The commenter must let me know who directed them here when they leave their comment.**
You have one week from today in order to be entered into my giveaway draw and to compete* for the bonus prize. Please leave your comments here by Friday Mar. 14th at noon PST. I will ship anywhere in the world, so please leave your comments for a chance to win. *Remember, if you refer the most people to my giveaway you will win the bluebird zippered pouch (and I may just tuck something extra inside it for you...)
Hope this puts an extra spring in your step today! ;o)
I find spring the best season of the year! First sunshine, blossoms on trees, the nature is getting greener and you can leave your coat out....just wonderful!
ReplyDeleteThere's a hint of Spring, more birds around the feeder, longer days. Daylight saving just around the corner, which means warmer sunnier days. Just love it.
ReplyDeleteI truly love all seasons, but Spring and Harvest are my favourites, I love the days getting longer now, (three more weeks and we will turn the clock one hour forwards, Summertime....)
ReplyDeleteI like the itching feeling that all has to be fresh and clean, the new leaves appearing at the trees, blossom, the smell of Spring, birds flying with little branches to make their nests, what’s there not to like about Spring...
Its autumn in Australia.. I love autumn cause its NOT SUMMER!!! :O)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your blogiversary!
Lissa Jane sent me here to your wonderful blog!!
ReplyDeleteAbout Spring? I love the sound of the birds singing again...After the harsh, overwhelming frigid air of Winter...where everything is sleeping...To hear the birds singing sweetly and to smell the new earth and experience rebirth...is to become alive again.....
Winter with all of that dark rainy weather has to be my favourite. Perfect quilting weather also. Lissa jane sent me by the way
ReplyDeleteLove your cute little birdie. Lissa sent me over to joi the fun. Hugs Khris in Oz
ReplyDeleteI love your blog, thanks Lissa for referring me. I am adding this to my favs!!!
WOW love your shopping bag idea. Thanks Lissa Jane for sending me to this blog. Will come back again.
ReplyDeletecheers KA
Its Autumn - the rains should be coming BUT they are not!!!
ReplyDeleteSo we just have to enjoy the sunshine (still) and hope the rain comes very soon
BTW Lissa sent me here!!!
Spring is great as the temprature isn't too warm yet and all the birds sing and the flowers bloom. I have this mockingbird that is already singing!
ReplyDeleteLissa Jane sent me!
What a great idea a giveaway!
hugs Karen
What I love about spring? The colours, the smells, the sunshine and the whole life!!!
ReplyDelete(I have the same name, because my name is Kata which is the same in Hungarian language:)))
Lissa sent me here. I love the spring weather and my birds are nesting at the moment they are so cute.
ReplyDeleteWe are in the midst of a snow storm in NW PA! I hope I see some sign of spring soon!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat blog!
This is my favorite time of year because it is the month of my little one's birthday, and celebrating that makes me happier than anything! She is just about to turn 3, and I am thinking child number two might be needed!
ReplyDeleteHi I am Cath Ü... Lissa Jane sent me here... Autumn for me as well.. and it is my faviourite time of the year... not too hot not too cold and not windy.....
ReplyDeleteI like Spring for the same reasons.. but spring for us can get windy, but we also have new growth and that is always good....
Cath Ü
Definitely Autumn, especially if they are Indian Summer Ones. Days are warm, not really hot, doors open in the evenings, just a light quilt on at night. Definitely a time to recover from the summer, for me and the garden. lissa jane sent me. And I love yout blog.
ReplyDeleteLissajane referred me to your site - I love it and will be back again. Autumn in the Australian Capital Territory and surrounds is the very best time of year - warm days, cool nights and glorious colour as the deciduous trees colour up. Thanks for your blog and your generosity :)
ReplyDeleteHere in Hawaii a whole different set of trees and bushes come into bloom. There is something blooming all year but they take turns blooming:0) The rainy season is letting up.
ReplyDeleteLissa (fabricologist anon.) sent me! I cannot tell a lie.
Hi Katherine!
ReplyDeleteA giveaway? How exciting! Well, it's technically autumn here in Adelaide, but the very beginning of autumn and it's still HOT! We are having a HOT weekend (over 38 degrees all weekend!) and right now I'm not loving autumn at all.
I love our autumn when the air gets that chill in it and you know that summer has gone! When it begins to rain and the rain continues for the rest of the season. When you can go to the park and scrunch leaves underfoot, and make leaf piles and jump into them. My children love to go to our botanical gardens and play "catching leaves". (Ya hafta catch em before they hit the ground!) And, it's not summer.
I love this time of year when the dogwoods will again bloom, tulips will show their lovely heads and birds will sing. Congrats on your giveaway! Love the bluebird!
ReplyDeleteI love the birdie! You are so creative!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE spring...it means winter is over. Everything is coming alive again. I love all the shades of green in spring. I feel myself come alive as nature wakes up from a long, cold sleep!
Hi Lissa Jane sent me over. I just love your blog. What do I like about spring? Well watching the birds in the garden, seeing all the spring flowers comming through brightning the dullness of winter. Knowing that winter will soon be a distant memory. Watching the lambs in the fields. The temp is just right for me not too hot and not too cold. The promise of new life.
ReplyDeleteGiveaways are fun so sign me up.
ReplyDeleteOops, me again, forgot to tell what I like about this time of year. Ok, well, March isn't my favorite month but I like it because it means very soon spring will arrive and most of the winter is past. Connie W, again
ReplyDeleteI love Spring! It's my favourite season because it isn't cooking hot or freezing cold. It's as far away from winter as we can get! I love seeing the new plants coming up in the gardens, and picturing all the projects planned for the year.
ReplyDeleteThe energy of Spring time is rejuvenating and hopeful! Yay Spring!
This is the day that the Lord hath made. Every day is a gift, but there is something about springtime.
ReplyDeleteFor me Spring has always been about the smells, the sounds and the sights. The first smell of mud and the sweet nectar of the lily of the valley. The sounds of birds chirping lkie crazy in the tree branches and the colors all bursting forth through the snow. It always feels as though life begins again.
ReplyDeleteDear Kathrine,
ReplyDeleteWe must have been inspired at the same time, because I just started my first giveaway last Thursday!! I definitely want to join your giveaway...
At spring I love when the children start taking out their skateboards, rollerblades, bikes and everything which has been put away for winter.
Emil skates and skates!!!
The reurn of light and nature waking up, are also some favourites of mine when spring comes...
You should go have a look at my little giveaway ;0)
Best regards,
Hello! Happy birthday to your blogiversary!
ReplyDeleteI love it to jump from blog to blog to know new co-sewers & -quilters!
The day should have more hours!
My next prokekt will be a fabric-memory for a new-born. In a few months it will be in my blog!
Oh - I got your link from Lissa (lissajane.blogspot.com).
Bye! Susuko from Berlin, Germany.
Found your blog surfing around, and just love the talk of spring! We just got a lot of snow in our neck of the woods so I am ready for spring. My favorite thing is seeing all the beautiful bursts of color after a long, cold, gray winter season. All that color just plain makes me happy :cD
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your blogiversary!!!
The pretty weather, the animals are chipper now that winter is over and everything seems fresh and new!
ReplyDeleteI love Spring because: it's the time of year I fell in love with my husband and the time of year that both my children were born. For me it has always meant a new beginning after a dreary winter.
Country Mouse sent me your way. I adore the redbuds blooming in the spring. Here they are almost wild and they line the woods around our house with their purple haze of blossoms.
ReplyDeleteI love a good giveaway!! :) What do I love about this time of year? Temps above zero and sunshine until supper time!!
ReplyDeleteWhat do I like about this time of the year ..... well, we have a serious amount of snow on the ground and absolutely no hint of spring anywhere in sight. So I would have to say that I am enjoying the anticipation of knowing that spring will arrive (sooner or later)and right now I'm enjoying looking through gardening magazines and planning my garden. It'll be so nice to see the ground again - LOL. We have piles of snow over 1m high on either side of our driveway today.
ReplyDeleteSpring is renewal...that makes it the best time of year. I love it because most of my babies (goat kids, lambs and crias) arrive at this time, the flowers start to bud and soon it's time to wake up the garden for Spring planting.
ReplyDeleteSpring is new beginnings. I always feel like life starts over again. New plants, flowers and birds singing. Happy Days.
ReplyDeleteLissa sent me here from http://lissajane.blogspot.com/. Summer is too hot, winter too cold. So spring and fall are my favorites. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteI LOVE NUMBER 1......
ReplyDeleteCount me in.....
I started a garden last spring so I'm really really to get planting again. Also I'm a photographer and I take mostly outdoor pictures and spring is my favorite time to shoot!
ReplyDeletePlease enter me and thank you for such a sweet giveaway. Summer is my favorite season, but spring is great because of spring break! my email is vanillaglitter at gmail dot com in case I win!
ReplyDeletei love the sun and the flowers! :) great giveaway, btw. I posted the link over on my giveaways blog:
good luck everyone :)
I love spring - the sights, the temperature, but mostly the smell of new life.
ReplyDeleteCount me in on your drawn please
Oh wow - I love me a good giveaway and yours is a most fantastic one! What do I love about this time of year? Well I love how things move and change so fast in the spring. The long days of summer and winter can seem constant, but fall and spring, everything is in flux. I can walk into my garden and from one day to the next, there will be something new. One day the wisteria will be just as it has been all winter long, I'll worry that it's dead and then spy some buds, not green yet, but some promise of activity.
ReplyDeleteOK, I couldn't resist entering. What do I love about Spring? Everything!!! The sunshine, the birds, starting seeds for my garden, warmer and longer days, tulips and other flowers poking through the soil, my flowering almond tree in bloom. What's not to love?
ReplyDeleteOooh, and I love bag #1 too. :-)
What I like about this time of year....well I guess I'd have to say it's the hope that winter might soon be over and we'll get spring. Not any too soon though, with another winter storm heading our way tomorrow. But spring will come some day and I love to see the new buds on the trees, the birds busy building nests, and flowers pushing through the soil. And I love the longer, sunny days and no snow to shovel.
ReplyDeleteAll those things mentioned above are awesome, but for me, it has to be eating dinner by daylight, at last...
ReplyDeleteI love the angle of the light in early spring. Such hope.
I love the #1 bag in your giveaway, too!
I love a great giveaway!! And about spring....I love the smell. You know when you can get outside for the first time and it just smells fresh!! I love it! Great blog!
ReplyDeleteHey Katherine!!
ReplyDeleteLove Choice #1
Spring has always been my favorite time of the year!! Everything about it. New growth, birds chirping, our farmer neighbours new baby calves, and most exciting for me this spring.... the first signs of my crocus's poking through the soil!! I have always wanted crocus's and last fall I finally acted on it and planted the bulbs. So happy now that I did!!
Happy Spring!!
Oh I missed this part, about leaving in the comment what you like about this time of year. I love all the lovely lime greens and bright yellows that are around, hint, hint! x
ReplyDeleteI love the green and the flowers popping up and seeing the first robin hopping around in my yard.
ReplyDeleteI love the blue bird pouch. it's so sweet.
ReplyDeleteMy goodness, I saw your post with all the choices and each one is lovely. Yeah for spring!
ReplyDeleteWe are finally seeing spring arrive here. Daffadils are blooming, trees are budding and the grass is starting to green.
I love the green and yellow bag. By the time spring comes around a person needs such colors to suit the newness of spring and everytime you look at the bag it will make you smile. :)