Does this look like Spring to you?

Check out the view from my living room window this morning.

Unbelievable that less than 24 hours ago, our driveway, the sidewalk and the street were COMPLETELY snow-less... there was only  a bit of snow left to melt in our front yard.  My poor hubby was digging out our van so he could go work today ( and seriously wondering why he'd agreed to go working on a Sat.).
Check out the evergreens in our back yard.  Completely snow laden whereas yesterday not only were they bare of snow, but there was lawn to be seen.

 Here's one last shot, just to make you jealous of our  Spring weather. ;o)  Doesn't our deck look inviting?!  Snowball fight, anyone? lol
Needless to say, I'm staying inside, making soup, sewing and double checking the calendar.  I mean, is this really Spring... because I think my calendar must be wrong. ;o)


  1. same view at my house, and man is that snow ever heavy to shovel. It hasn't stopped cominng down all day, yuck

  2. Okay... you're right in your comment on my spring post. That does not make me one bit homesick. :) In fact, the only time I kinda sorta miss snow is Christmas Day, though we did get snow in January this year.

  3. Here in Siberia yesterday it was +10C no snow at all, today we woke up and it's snowing again but not as much as in your pics.

  4. OI VAY that's a lot of snow! We've had ours melt several times in the last few weeks and then come back (so disappointing!) - but not like that! We're expecting rain and snow on Monday :( I'm seeing little spring flowers poking up here and there during my walks, so spring is definitely on it's way, although it seems to be hitting a few roadblocks!

  5. Unbelievable Katherine!
    We had our first Summery day yesterday, 22oC!

  6. Oh no - that must be very frustrating!

    It's Mothers Day here and we've woken up to spring sunshine - it will rain later but hopefully no snow!

    Keep warm ...

  7. I am sooooooooo glad I don't live in Canada? I don't want to make you jealous but.......Yesterday we had 24 degrees here, it was warm working in the garden!!!!
    Bon courage!!!

  8. Well I can honestly tell you I am jealous...being an Aussie that doesn't have your fantastic snowy winters I am envious....hugs Khris

  9. Oh my...what a lot of snow! Hopefully it will disappear as quickly as it came! Keep safe and warm!

  10. Looks like Mother Nature did an April Fool's day joke on you. So sorry, just when Spring looks like a promise fulfilled, more snow.
    It means more work for you, I know.

  11. What amazing photos, in Australia we don't get snow (except in a couple of tiny areas) so it is amazing for me to see life like this.... xx Brenda

  12. Feeling for you, Katherine...and at the same time SO enjoying finally getting some spring weather for ourselves now that we've moved down lower. I even have things blooming but will wait to tell you about them until after this latest snow of yours is gone again. ;-)

  13. Doesn't look much like spring to me. I'm feeling for you out there in Alberta. Wafting spring thoughts across the Rockies.

  14. Another jealous Aussie here. It all looks so pretty!

  15. Wow! It is beautiful! Spring will come. Maybe a chinook will blow through and you will be in shorts next week. Thinking of you today, my friend. Hope it's a good one!

  16. as beautiful as it is out today, it's hard to believe that's how my yard looked just 2 weeks ago. spring is coming. promise. ;)

  17. I'm so sorry to hear about your setback, lol! We had a similar situation here a few weeks ago. Almost all the snow was gone and we got several inches to replace it. We are headed in the right direction again. Still haven't seen my first robin yet!


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