Time to Swoon...

Have you heard about Swoon 2013? It's a fun quilt along being hosted by Sarah @ FairyFace  Designs using Camille Roskelley's lovely Swoon quilt pattern.
I fell in love with this pattern last year and I guess I just needed an easy excuse to start "Swooning Along".  Just take a look at the pretty blocks being sharing in the Swoon 2013 Flickr group and see how well you resist the temptation! ;o)
With pattern in hand, I started searching for fabric candidates and got hooked on prints in the Madrona Road collection.   Here's my initial fabric selections. 
Along with Madrona Road is some Sherbet Pips (for the background) and some stripes (for the binding). 
 Ah, yes, pink and orange.  I'm hooked!  I think it's becoming a favourite colour combination.  Maybe that explains how much of it seems to have wandered into my stash in the past year. ;o) 
Shown below is my second selection of fabrics from my stash (top row in pic below) to round things out with the first choices.  I love fabric auditions!

Even though I'm still auditioning final choices for which fabrics I will use in my quilt, I couldn't resist making my first block. 

I am in LOVE.  Prepare yourself for more Swoon blocks. ;o)


  1. Beautiful first block! Can't wait to see more!

  2. Fun colours you've put together!
    Look forward to seeing more...

  3. I’m swooning when I look at the top row of your fabric choices!

  4. I´ve been Swooning to!
    My quilt is already ready.
    Can´t wait to see yours ;-)
    Love your colorchoices!

  5. Oh I have the pattern (unused) but don't think I'll have time to join in :( I shall cheer from the sidelines and love your block and color ideas!


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