Hopeful - FAL 2014 Q1

Blogger is still not playing nice.  It is not allowing me to upload any new photos, so if I want to post with pictures, I've been relegated to copying and pasting from among those I've previously shared.  So, I'm sorry if you stopped by to see what I made for the
 - I'm still hoping I'll get to share what I made, but it won't be in this post. Edited: I've worked out a temporary solution to my problem and Carol has graciously added me to tomorrow's schedule.
(I'm still trying to get my pictures uploaded, I'm determined to find a way).

 Don't miss checking out what all the other participants have been making.
 (Carol is our lovely hostess/cheerleader for this hop and she has the full schedule HERE).

 However, I realized this restriction on which photos I have access to, will work for joining in the Finish-a-long 2014 - especially as I didn't have a single finish from the last quarter of 2013 (which means I've lots to add to my new list... or is that old list? ;o).

Don't worry, the list isn't a complete rehash of the last quarter's list. I've not only made decisions on finishing, I've decided there's more than one project I'm "letting go" (aka...getting rid of ;o).  I got honest with myself and admitted that there's a reason why some projects languish - I've no interest in them anymore or I didn't like them to begin with (so why bother putting energy and time into something I don't like? ;o).  Anyways, here are my projects to finish in the first quarter of 2014...

1. Mini Granny Square Quilt - just recently finished sewing all my blocks for this king-size version, next step is making it into a flimsy! 2014 is the year to finish this quilt (I'm not letting it drag on for another full year - hold me to that, okay?  ;o).

2. Possibilities in Blue and Green - I didn't even touch this project last quarter, although I've decided what I'll be adding to it to get it finished.  Can't wait to return to this!

3. Nordic Blocks - Finally, something that hasn't been on several lists during the past year! This one is my own design and I did work on it last quarter, but have more work to finish before I can call this project complete.

4. Modern Maples - the top is ready and I have everything needed to finish, time to get it done!

5. Swoon Quilt - another top that's ready for basting (despite me not finding a picture of the flimsy)...

There you have it! Those five projects are all ones I look forward to completing.  I've even discovered an up-side to not being able to post new pictures on my blog... it makes it look like I'm very focused - that I don't have a tendency to start new projects faster than I finish.
 Bahahaha... we all know better than that, right? ;o)

Finish Along 2014


  1. Have you run out of space in picassa? Try uploading them to flickr or photobucket instead ...

  2. Beautiful! I love the nordic blocks the best I think. Good point that the above commenter has - wonder if you've reached your Picasa limit? (that's where all blogger photos get stored unless you're using flickr or something like that to directly upload to your blog....I didn't know this until recently!)

  3. Love all of the projects you have going! Can't wait to see them all complete :)

  4. Looks like you have some great projects planned. I hope you get the picture thing worked out. I re-size my photos before uploading straight to picasa, then use them on my blog.

  5. What a great list of projects Katherine! I am looking forward to seeing your Nordic design, you clever thing! And I love blue and green together!

  6. Wow - so much eye candy!! Blogger. Grrr! This has happened to me twice and how I got around it was to switch to HTML and jiggled the post a bit an then it started letting me. I know jiggled is not a technical terms but basically I pressed the HTML button at the top of the post when in writing mode and wrote a sentence and switched back to see how it looked and tried to import a picture and it seemed to work. Jiggling. New term.

  7. All of your projects are great, but I love the mini granny square blocks the best!! What a difference layout makes!! I had the same problem for about a week. Yes, it's very frustrating! Hang in there!

  8. I think you might have run out of photo space, but glad you could find these to share with us, good luck!

  9. Wow! You've been so prolific and all your work looks amazing! I have serious catching up to do.


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