Just what I've been waiting to see

I'm excited each Spring when the tree in our backyard gets covered in pink blooms.  This year, it seems much later to finally see everything greening up.  Makes me appreciate it all the more.  
Yay for Spring!


  1. Spring was definitely a long time coming - we're still below normal temps. We had a couple of hot days, but now we're in that really great zone where we don't need the furnace OR the a/c - I'm quite enjoying this! And of course it's nice at night when the temps are coolish (13-15C is perfect) - it makes great sleeping weather :)

    I recently "met" via a blog comment, a quilter in Nfld. Yesterday she said in an email that their temps are still hovering around the 0 degree mark and that the sun has gone into hiding. YIKES, lol!

  2. Our winter has been late in arriving! But is surely here today- cool and wet! Perfect sewing weather in fact!

  3. Our winter has been late in arriving! But is surely here today- cool and wet! Perfect sewing weather in fact!

  4. Freaking hell, spring is late for you. But you will probably jump directly into summer in a week or two. Spring comes so early here but then we wait months to find out if we will get a proper summer.

  5. It gives me hope. I was wearing a winter coat the other night but today was beautiful and our apple blossoms are blooming. I think spring is really here...just in time for summer.

  6. Welcome Spring! Yesterday was my first day on the beach! Wahoo-- Beautiful photo!

  7. We're enjoying those pink blossoms here too. A treat and a joy!

  8. You have had a long winter Katherine - wishing you a warm and sunny spring/summer!

  9. I am so happy that spring has sprung for you :)


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